From time to time, I invest in people and make the drive on my own dime, spending countless hours to help out friends and other people who aren't fortunate enough to have a photoshoot. I also donate my time and services to charities which is also hours of time and effort to take the pictures, set-up, and after all the shooting is done, I have to pay my bills still and just the gas alone, car insurance, and maintenance of my vehicle is truly expensive.

Its all your love and support and donations, and any sponsorship that I will happily and proudly display, that helps me make it in the world of this tough industry. Thanks you guys for all of you who have already supported me! Don't forget to those who give unto others, HE will reward you abundantly. I give my time because I have been blessed with these skills and talents. I hope to continue making out to events like this. Thank-you so much for your time!

God Bless!

Nathan Waters

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