New Tumblr!

March 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Hey Guys! Just made a new tumblr account. I have a lot of personal and deep intermost thoughts that reflect who I am. I have tried putting these out there on facebook but it seems that I can't seem to have my own personal thoughts without someone criticizing me. Its not their thoughts, but my own based on my own life issues and experiences.

It seems that love has lost its meaning to today's society and the true definition had become so politically correct and only based on what people want it to be or think it should be, and not what it actually is. My style of photography is a reflection of what I see and how I see things as well as who I am in some cases. In fact, its where my whole slogan "..Capture Life!" came from.

We're only here for such a short time on this Earth and we're not guaranteed the next second or next hour. We only have now and each action has a reaction and consequence based on that decision. So if we bless others, we too will be blessed eventually. Those that take others for granted and advantage of them, will reap what they sow and come back in 10 fold. So if you bless others and do good, somewhere along the lines, you too will be blessed for the good you do unto others.

I try to bless people with my photography and sometimes, people do take me for granted. I don't do it for them though. I do it for those that appreciate me and have faith in me and enjoy what I do and donate back to me and fund my endeavors to help and bless other people. So in reality, its not blessing me, its moreso paying it forward and blessing the people on the other end that I used these funds to do shoots for families and non-profits and charitable organizations.  Rather its my time to help raise money and doing telethons or traveling over a hundred miles to a family to take photos for the last moments before a loved one passes.

I have tried expressing myself through so many ways and find myself constantly commenting on topics where it seems misfits and juveniles tend to speak louder than those with any morals and common sense and heart.  For this reason, I"d like to share and invite you to follow me on my new blog that will reflect more of who I am as I prepare to enter into what is soon to be the next chapter of my life.  So come with me!

Thanks for all your support and please stop by and "Like" my facebook page!

Click HERE for my new Tumblr at


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