Sun 'N Fun 2014

February 27, 2014  •  Leave a Comment




SnFEvent_Poster11x17_14_web_lg.aspxSnFEvent_Poster11x17_14_web_lg.aspxSun N Fun 2014 Event Poster Hey Aviation Fans!!



Its almost that time of year again when people from around the globe will make those flights into Lakeland Florida for the 40th Anniversary of the Sun N Fun Fly-In!! <Click link to jump to page. This is definitely going to be a year to remember with the number of special guests that will be on property and number of vendors has risen tremendously through the much success in the past years.







_DSC0911_DSC0911 Its so amazing and exciting to see kids and adults alike enjoying the event and the family time. I remember my own life as a kid growing up that I always had a toy Boeing 747 that kept me busy while we waited on our flight to Iowa. I always dreamed of being in the pilot cockpit myself flying one of those big jets or even if it was just a small plane, to be able to see what they see and live the dreams that were against what the world says you can have. It is a fantasy that kept me going throughout my life and inspired me and encouraged me to keep pushing. If you look to the left, This Pilot signing autographs only has a small idea of what his autograph means to some of these people. It was someone much like him when I was 5 that let me sit in the pilot captain's seat and a pair of pin on wings that I will never forget!


For a complete schedule of events Click Here!

To purchase Tickets to Sun N Fun Click Here!

To view photos from Sun N Fun, Click the year that you wish to view:

2012, 2013, Volunteers Album 2013

Last year in 2013, I had the privilege and honor to meet and join some of the most amazing photographers and media to share with me the enjoyment of what they do and why they do it. For me its more than just photography. As an aspired pilot myself with 56 hours of logged flight time and solo completion, I love to fly! There is just something about airplanes that defies the laws of nature and allow me as a human to see the beautiful creation of this Earth. There is so much pain and hurt in this world, with the unending naysayers who try and bring people down, that Sun N Fun is the place where I myself like many others to let my head be in the clouds as much as I want! Its a place to learn about the funcionality of airplanes and the rules of flight in the many workshops offered each day, to getting information on owning a plane one day myself, amazing vendor food to fill my stomach and mix that with a little smell of AVGAS or JET A Fuel, and life for you will never be the same! There is just so much that I can't begin to describe!

Lakeland Florida Police Officer enjoying the show and avoiding the heat.Its gonna be hot so bring water and clothes with you to soak and keep yourselves cool! Safety and protection is by far one of the most important issues at Sun N Fun Fly-in! Each year, over a hundred officers serve to protect all pilots and spectators alike to ensure the most fun out of each year. In fact, it couldn't even run without the hundreds to thousands of hours put in each year for the preparation of Sun N Fun. From maintenance, to clean-up, crowd control, photographers, journalists, administrative and clerical staff, organizers, and safety crews, amongst many more volunteers that go as unsung heroes to make sure everything runs smoothly and entertainment is provided to kids of all ages. After all, adults are just grown up kids!


To the left-top is one of our fellow Lakeland Florida Police Officers enjoying the events and avoiding the heat with wet fashionable head-cloth. Check out the fashion ladies and gentlemen!

Reasons to Become A Pilot PromoProject that I shot, casted, edited, produced, and directed for a class in college.










A few years ago, we will all never forget and always remember the instant horrible storm that injured a few and destroyed many planes in which was recorded as to be one of Florida's worse storms in history. Thankfully there were no casualties that year. It was also known that in that time, no preparation was made or could have been expected for what Mother-Nature was ready to dish-out. As you can see in the video below, she came to show off what she was made of and showed more attitude than anyone was willing to handle. Since that time, they have prepared much more and better should a storm like this ever come again.

EAA published an article on April 2nd, 2011 that speaks about the events of that day and the unexpected turn of events that happened. I encourage you to read this just as we pilots read all NOTAMS (Notices to airmen) to prepare us for unexpected events and help us also prepare to recover in such an event.  SEE HERE FOR MORE.



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